Monday, January 19, 2009


If you think you know everything, wait till you hear this….you don’t! One thing for sure is that you don’t know our super-duper-triple-looper cool theme for this year! Hah! You ready for it? Think you can handle it? Alright…Here goes….

Love: Free But Not Debt Free

I’m guessing you read that about a minimum of 5 to 6 times before reading this part where I guessed you read it a minimum of 5 to 6 times.

THIS is most likely what you think love is.

There is more than meets the eye my friend.

Well, the whole theme can’t exactly be summed up with a 500-word post (or 500 posts for that matter), so I’m just gonna let God do the talking. All you have to do is come for our ‘gathering’ (I prefer that than the word ‘meeting’. Too official and predictable) with an open heart and mind and that one single lined sentence might just make perfect sense to you.

Oh by the way, it doesn’t matter if you’re not a believer (….yet. Huahuahauhauhauhauaha! not really. BOO!). No werwies. We are vewy fun peepo (meaning to say people).

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